منتديات تلوين
الرئيسية خطوط عربية صور سكرابز البحث

عضو جديد
تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2016
رقم العضوية: 3
المشاركات: 4

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Hello and Welocme How to Hack a WIFI using android phone

How to Hack a WIFI using android phone

Internet connection is necessary now days , you can't go anywhere without a source of internet connection , you are
really in trouble if you had to travel to Uk or France , you will not be able to find a regular source to connect to
internet and know what hapening in there , so how we will deali with this situation ?! let me help you :

How We can crack a WIFI ?
to be able to crack a wifi , you must first learn the type of existed wifi's , there is 3 types of Wifi :
- WEP :
WEP wifi is rare to find , is an old version of Wifi encryption , i hope you really find a wifi that encrypted with Wep
encryption , you can hack and crack this type of wifi using only IVS (Signals) , unfortunately you can't do that using
your android phone , you need a system that can read IVS signals , but if you have a lapotp or computer , you wil be able to crack it
as soon as possible .

- WPA :
WPA is a secured encryption , you can't crack a WPA wifi using IVS like WEP , actually , is hard to crack this type of
encryption , is more secured that WEP , and more powerful than him too .
- WPA2 :
WPA2 is latest version of encryption , is really hard to crack this type , you will need a lot of experience in cracking
and some luck too , if you able to crack a wifi with WPA/WPA2 in 3 days , then you are a great hacker .

So How we can crack a WIFI with Android phone ?
is not easy , but also not possible , i already hack a lot of WIFI using my phone , so it's possible , actually ,
there is a weak spot that we will use it to crack it , it's called WPS , WPS is a really vulnerabilty thar provide us
a nice connecting to a wifi without password , and that exactly what we need .
first , you need to ROOT your android phone , i suggest to search on youtube or google How to Root Android phone ,
after , you need to download and install those 2 applications :


those android application is the most powerful android application that will help you to crack a wifi that using WPS
exploit , so after downloading and installing one of those apps , open it , and do a scan to search for near wifi access
points , after finding an access point , click on it , and try the suggested pin codes , and you will be able to connect
to a wifi without any problems .

Enjoy How to Hack a WIFI using android phone

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